Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

This disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, ranging from manic episodes of high energy and euphoria to depressive episodes of low energy and sadness. While bipolar disorder is a well-known condition, there are several little known facts about the illness that are worth exploring.

It is often misdiagnosed

  • This disorder can be difficult to diagnose, and many people with the condition are misdiagnosed with depression or anxiety. This is because the manic episodes are often shorter in duration than depressive episodes and can be mistaken for periods of high energy.

It can be hereditary

  • This disorder can be passed down through families, and research suggests that genetic factors may play a role in its development. Studies have found that people with a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) with bipolar disorder are at a higher risk of developing the condition themselves.

It affects both men and women equally

  • Contrary to popular belief, bipolar disorder affects both men and women equally. However, studies have found that women may experience more rapid cycling (frequent mood swings) and depressive episodes, while men may experience more severe manic episodes.

This disorder can be managed with medication and therapy

  • While it cannot be cured, medication and therapy can used to better manage symptoms. Medications such as mood stabilizers and antipsychotics can help regulate mood swings. Therapy can provide support and teach coping skills.

Substance abuse is common

  • Unfortunately, substance abuse is common among people with bipolar disorder. Studies have found that up to 60% of people with this disorder also have a substance abuse disorder. This may be due to self-medicating with drugs or alcohol to alleviate symptoms. This can also be a result of impulsive behavior during manic episodes.

There are different types of bipolar disorder

  • This is not a one-size-fits-all diagnosis. There are several different types of bipolar disorder, including bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclothymic disorder, and other specified and unspecified bipolar and related disorders. Each type has its own set of symptoms and treatment options.

It can affect anyone at any age

  • It typically develops in late adolescence or early adulthood, but it can affect anyone at any age. Children and older adults can also develop this disorder, although it may present differently than in younger adults.


In conclusion, bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While it is a well-known condition, there are several little known facts about the illness that are worth exploring. By understanding the nuances of this disorder, we can better support those who live with the condition and work towards better treatment options.